We have been working hard at preparing some excellent newly designed promotional literature for the school. One is a promotional brochure we hope to present to churches and potential students. The other a video introduction with multimedia design here on the website. A rough draft with audio has been produced, but will be shortly replaced with a video as soon as your President figures out how to place it appropriately in the new software I am using.
I posted today our newest addition to our Short Courses series on Moses, and when we finish that course a new one is in production. We thank you all for your participation in the Short Courses series. Your feedback has been noted, and some adjustments will be made in the next series of lessons.
Chancellor Boer and I are in communication weekly to discuss progress with the school. I am challenged and excited by the ideas we both have come to consider for FBC. I trust the future will see Dr. Tice's faith in the school and our fellowship progress in a wonderful way.
In His Grace,
Dr. Patrick Vossen
President, FBC