Two items of interest for prospective college students, former students and friends of the ministry of Focus Bible College.
One, I am beginning to work on some design changes to make the website easier to navigate, and will be eliminating some items that we brought over from the old site, which are not necessary any longer. Two, I am preparing for our second short courses offering for our ministers and students with us here at FBC. It is on " The Top Ten Mistakes Of Leadership ". The textbook for this series has the same title, and is written by Hans Finzel. I am working on additional materials that will compliment the textbook, and we will be having " guests " whom we will have recorded conference calls with. Whom will answer your questions and those I pose considering leadership. Some of the ministers you will know, some will be new to you. However, I believe the course will be lively and introspective. I pray I will start having the introductory lessons ready for you in the days to come. It will be 50.00 for those studying for college credit, but as before we will make it open to all to enjoy.
God bless you and have a great day in the Lord.