Dr. Patrick Vossen
I have been waiting on God for direction in a variety of matters in life. Have you ever been there? In that place or holding pattern where you know in your spirit you have to change direction, or need a fresh anointing or divine instruction. If so, and I believe you have. It's not always the most enviable position to be in, because its usually the most vulnerable. It is usually where Satan will try to get in and place doubt, fears or any other trap he has in his arsenal to get you off course. This being the case, it is so vitally important to put on the armor of God every day, and keep focused on what has been your last marching orders. Don't get frustrated, or off course. Remember in this holding pattern to maintain patience in His grace and His divine wisdom.
In my personal life Satan has been trying to do whatever he can to make me doubt God's love toward me. He has done this by trying to place sickness, or disease, financial challenges and whatever else in my way. However, I have tried to stay the course. Putting my heart toward focusing on FBC, the church and better ways to minister and touch the lives of as many people as I can. The Lord has challenged me to lift up a standard, and that standard is His Love. Satan wants you and I to focus on the situation and what we lack, or have lost. However, the master of the universe wants us to keep our eyes on Him, if we do that we will weather the storm and get to the other side. That promised land of God, where His Blessings will flow. The place where we find that next chapter of service in the Kingdom of God.
Two nights ago God gave me a dream and woke me up and told me to write some things down. He said they are for me and for my brethren. So I am sharing them with our faculty and students here at FBC and my family at Full Gospel Restoration.
God has shared with me, that if we establish these 12 things I am going to share with you in our hearts . We will turn the tide on the enemy, and see the next phase of ministry and revival in our lives. Amen. I pray they will affect you in a powerful way in your life, as they are starting to do mine.
1. Show extravagant love in every area of life.
2. Have an almost brutal honesty considering yourself.
3. A sacrificial lifestyle.
4. Engage in the impossible.
5. Run from evil, trust in Him.
6. Obey the Spirit
7. Return to basics ( keep it simple ). Don't be looking for the latest get BIG scheme in Christianity ) The apostles waited for the promise on the day of Pentecost, then they just lived out the principles Christ gave them to live by.
8. Bury doubt in faith in what seems impossible to men.
9. Dare to dream a dream.
10. Start laying plans for your dream by faith. Take a baby step.
11. Forgive yourself and others to free yourself for complete ministry in His kingdom.
12. Retain His character and with it expect Revival.
Meditate upon these things and I pray this word today gives you strength and hope today.