Sept. 25th, 2014
Acts 11:1 NKJV Now the apostles and brethren who were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God.
We have seen a variety of new students the past few weeks enroll in classes, as well desire study in various programs toward a degree. That is exciting as well of great encouragement to the Body of Christ. For God is calling and equipping ministers for the work of the Lord. Which means the Great Commission continues to be fulfilled. With men and women everywhere sensing the call of God on their lives.
Remember if we can be of any assistance at FBC toward helping you ascertain your calling, and your training for the ministry. Please don't hesitate to call or write us here at FBC. We'd love to help you on your journey toward service in the Lord's Kingdom.
On another note, we are waiting to here back from the State of Florida on our filing in the State for future educational status. We should hear a good word in the near future. In the meantime we still grant degrees on basis of our educational status from the State Of Arkansas. Upon recognition by the State of Florida, we will be moving along with our formal transfer as soon as we are able. Our office is functioning quite well out of the Orlando area, and God is blessing the work of FBC.
Thanks for all our faculty members and students involvement at FBC at this current time. It is a blessing to serve with you in the Gospel work. Please sign up and identify yourself in the FBC Forum if you will. Come October there will be challenging questions, and personal interaction we are going to be looking for from both faculty and students.
Be blest and we appreciate you here at FBC.
Dr. Patrick Vossen
Vice President, FBC