December, 5th, 2016
To all our faculty, students and friends of FBC.
We have some changes and alterations that are going to take place on the website in the next three to four weeks. Which will eradicate clutter and make it simpler to navigate the website. In addition, we are going to be focusing a bit differently in some ways. With a simplification of the FBC short courses, as well as adding courses from some of our other ministries in Full Gospel Restoration to it.
After discussion with my Chancellor and our General Bishop, we are going to be suspending degrees overseas. Courses will still be available for nationals to train with, and a certificate program will be in the works. However, all degreed programs will be suspended. A variety of factors went into this decision as a whole.
We need your prayers considering our accreditation process. Currently we have state certification to grant degrees of various nature from the State of Florida as a bible college. That will continue without any doubt whatsoever, but the process and expenditure of national accreditation could be suspended after the first of the year. It costs us over $1500 for the processing and paperwork, and with so many of our students being on scholarship, and many who in the past year started, but have not proceeded in their studies. Resources and reality deem that our national accreditation could be something we might have to retreat from. For many years FBC in the past has operated with just the State's permission to function as a bible college ( a lot of bible colleges do so, even my bible college did back in the 70's did ). The only problem our students would have is trying to transfer credits to out of state institutions. However, like in my case Catholic Distance University took a majority of my credits years ago, and I trust it would be the same today. This is not etched in stone, but currently we are reavaluating the national accreditation status. Keep us in prayer as we want the wisdom of God.
Here are some additional considerations for the future of FBC that are being discussed. Please consider them and give me any thoughtful insights you might have. Amen.
1. Interaction, simplicity, and further development of our courses is a major focus right now.
2. Promotion of the college as a whole and resources to do so.
3. Involvement with churches and ministries with onsite bible college satellite schooling.
4. Once or twice a year Spirit-Filled Bible Conferences in different locals. For intensive training, promotion and encouragement of the
In closing God bless you all. It is always a privilege to serve you in the capacity of service I have as your President. I pray we all might see God's best in the days ahead for FBC.
In His Grace,
Dr. Patrick Vossen
President, Focus Bible College