We will give you more details of this procedure and our forward moving progress as the days go on. However, for students and faculty members it will not be a significant change, as we already have been functioning out of Orlando for awhile. Legally though this will grant us the ability to grant degrees out of Florida, and expand our curriculum base, degree levels, etc.. This is an exciting time for the school and for all the FBC family.
I want to thank Dr.'s Orvil and Betsy Tice for their relentless work in getting all the paperwork together. Making all this possible, along with the assistance of the Council of Elders of FGRMC. Thank God we are making this transition, its going to help us as we continue to expand into the future. Allowing for greater student growth and elasticity in the years to come. God bless all of are partners, friends and our students for their support.
In His Grace,
Dr. Patrick Vossen
Vice President, Focus Bible College