January 5th, 2015
Colossians 3:10,11 NRSV
10 and have clothed yourselves with the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge according to the image of its creator. 11 In that renewal there is no longer Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free; but Christ is all and in all!
We who have entered into this new covenant relationship with Jesus Christ are so blest. For in this relationship there is always a place of renewal, healing and growth. We here at FBC are thankful for the same, as we journey on in this new year of fresh beginnings.
As of the first of the year Dr. Orvil Tice the founder and President of FBC has moved on to another calling. His dedication and wonderful spirit of leadership of our school and Full Gospel Restoration will be forever cherished. His wisdom, grace and love has ministered to hundreds of ministers and students throughout his many years of service unto the Lord. His contribution to the Body of Christ has definitely seen eternal fruit in God's church in a very special way.
Dr. Dutch Boer has now assumed the Chancellor's position of the college as head of FGRMC as General Bishop. Dr. Patrick Vossen has moved into the previous role of Dr. Tice as President of the school and handling its daily operations. Please pray for Dr. Boer and Dr. Vossen as they continue to lead FBC in a progressive direction of growth through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We are thankful for the repose and Christmas celebration faculty and students have enjoyed the past few weeks. However, now we return back to our studies and look forward to new beginnings in leadership, fresh vision and purpose in God's Kingdom. Let's believe God for a great start for 2015 and FBC. God bless you all for your involvement in the ministry of this Bible College, and your faithfulness and prayers.