One of the first things you will notice will be promotion of the bible college. Through various avenues we are going to be publishing, or producing items that we hope will see a new infusion of students, and appreciation for FBC. Already I have had printed a flyer that is being sent to various churches and has a form letter, with our college business card. I have had two pastors from old line Pentecostal churches call about interest in our school. I will be visiting one, and also presenting our materials at a minister's conference as well. I am excited about these opportunities.
Two new Short Courses series lessons are being prepared. Our first offering has been well received, and we are hoping that the next two will be as well. They will be a little shorter, with some slight changes. This will help us I believe, and be easier to produce. Evangelist Bell is producing one of these offerings, I sure do appreciate his efforts to assist us with these courses.
Bishop Boer and I are working on fine tuning some courses, and adding some resource material in the near future. We have acknowledged the need to update, and " Beef Up " our courses. This will be of great benefit to our students in their preparation and study for the ministry.
Please keep us in your prayers as we press forward. I personally will be devoting more time for the college and have significantly worked to reduce my secular employ. It has become apparent that the ministry as a whole needs more attention, and I need to give God my very best.
Blessings to all of you this summer. I pray God's Holy Spirit to anoint you and use you in a mighty way.
In His Grace,
Dr. Patrick Vossen
FBC, President