It was just a few years ago that this latter rain began to fall. Perhaps you recollect the great Welch Revival, where, under the preaching of Evan Roberts, the fire fell. Many were saved, and baptized with the Holy Spirit, those who received the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, spoke with other tongues.
Over in Mukti, India, a missionary, Pandita Ramabai, was praying with a band of Hindoo girls. They had spent days and nights in prayer, when suddenly the Spirit was poured out in their midst, as He had been on the day of Pentecost. Visible fire is said to have been seen upon one girl’s bed, and when the other girls went for water to extinguish the fire it was discovered that this was the fire of the Holy Spirit, such as Moses saw in the burning bush that was not consumed. These dear Hindoo girls who received the Holy Spirit spake with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance, when they received the Holy Spirit. One girl spoke in the English language (which she had never learned), and this is the message which was spoken through her:
“Jesus is coming soon, get ready to meet Him.” And the great revival spread on and on. Almost simultaneously the Spirit was poured out in our own United States of America, in England, in Canada, in Africa, upon missionaries in China, and in the islands of the sea. Never was such a world-wide revival known to spread so quickly and simultaneously. The Spirit was poured out upon praying bands in numberless places, who had never heard before of the incoming of the Holy Spirit. In every instance, without exception, those who received the Holy Spirit spake in other tongues, exactly as those who had received in Bible days had done. The latter rain was falling on the earth.
In order to receive the Holy Spirit one had to be empty, and humble. Poor and rich, black and white, the mistress and the maid alike received the Holy Spirit when they humbled themselves, and sought with all their hearts. Those who received, praised the Lord and magnified His name, as no one but Spirit-filled saints can do. Waves of glory, floods of praise swept over assemblies who had received the Holy Spirit. There was no way of stopping this great revival, it seemed.