We are still at work on the transition to the Florida office. However, we will have the Arkansas address and office still functioning until we have all our proper paperwork in order with the state of Florida. As of now we are still residing and functioning under the auspices of the State of Arkansas.
I have some more tweaking to do with our current website here at FBC before this mirror site at focusbiblecollege.weebly.com transfers over to the default address. I have had a few unique challenges along the way, but overall its in good shape. I have some very talented graphic designers looking at it currently to make sure we are in proper order. They will assist me in making any necessary corrections, or designing suggestions. I thank Jasmine and others for their assistance.
If you are wanting to continue your education, or just want to refresh your knowledge of the Word. We have a lot of options that we can bring to your consideration at FBC. The staff here would love to serve you and help you in your walk with the Lord, or your calling in the ministry.
Bishop Tice, Bishop Boer and others continue to encourage us here at FBC, giving us great encouragement and confidence in what the future holds for the ministry. Keep Dr. Tice, Dr. Boer and all our instructors in your thoughts and prayers. As we continue to expand the ministry at hand. God bless you all richly.
In His Grace,
Dr. Patrick Vossen
Vice President, FBC
PS. Today I have the good fortune of hanging out with my son Adam for awhile. We have had a pretty cool summer overall. I am thankful to God for all my sons and daughters, granddaughters and grandsons. I am so blest.
To all the brethren of FGRMC and our friends throughout the body of Christ. Thanks for your support and prayers for FBC. Any questions considering the college, its vision or how we may be able to serve. Please don't hesitate to contact us at the college.